Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


2012 Story Competition second entry by Chris C!

I stood ner­vous­ly as I hand­ed Miss Sven­son the let­ter from Miss Pren­der­gast. I knew I had done wrong, how­ev­er I had no idea what was going to hap­pen, I felt very ner­vous as this was my first vis­it to head­mistress at my new school.

Miss Sven­son sat behind her desk and start­ed to read the note in sci­lence and it seemed to take her an age

Miss Sven­son

I am send­ing this boy to you after the fol­low­ing inci­dent that occurred when I had to take the boys P.E. les­son as Mr John­son was unex­pect­ed­ly tak­en ill yesterday.

The les­son had gone fine until I count­ed the boys in and then out of the chang­ing room and I found I was one boy short. I shout­ed in to the chang­ing room as I did not want to enter and find an undressed boy how­ev­er there was no answer. As I lis­tened for a reply I could hear the show­er was still run­ning, think­ing that may be I had mis­count­ed I thought I bet­ter enter the chang­ing rooms, switch the show­er off and lat­er give the class a lec­ture on wast­ing water, what with the recent drought warnings.

I walked into the chang­ing room and round­ed the cor­ner into large com­mu­nal show­er room and to my sur­prise saw a boy through the steam with his back to me. He was right under one of the show­er heads on the far wall, lean­ing with his left arm above his head and his right arm was going up an down.  I inno­cent­ly thought that he had maybe injured his leg dur­ing the les­son and he was try­ing to rub it better.

I called out to the boy and asked if he was alright, how­ev­er with his ears full of water and the noise of the show­er he did not hear me.  I decid­ed to go up behind him and tap him on the shoul­der.  As he spun around and saw me he imme­di­ate­ly stopped his rub­bing how­ev­er it was too late and lets just say it was­n’t water that was drip­ping down my pleat­ed gym skirt onto my bare legs.

Hor­ri­fied I told him to get dressed straight away and to come straight to my office once he had done so, which to be fair to him he did.  He seemed very embar­rassed and remorse­ful when I ques­tioned him on what he thought he was doing, how­ev­er this inci­dent can not go unpun­ished and due to the sever­i­ty of the cir­cum­stances I thought it would be best to involve your expert hand.

There was no porno­graph­ic mate­r­i­al involved so the boy must have been fan­ta­sis­ing about some­thing, the thought of which dis­gusts me as every­time he is in my more usu­al Eng­lish les­son he seems to pay more atten­tion to my legs and breast than Hen­ry V.  Or if I turn my head when I’m writ­ing on the black board I often find him stare­ing straight at my bottom.

I would there­fore like you to pun­ish him for the fol­low­ing 3 reasons:

First­ly for indulging in the plea­sures of the palm.  Sec­ond­ly for sub­ject­ing me to such dis­gust­ing vio­la­tions dur­ing the above inci­dent and my lessons; and third­ly I want you to cane his bare but­tocks until the boy tells you what he was fan­ti­sis­ing about so we can address this abnor­mal behaviour

Kind­est regards

Miss Pren­der­gast

Miss Sven­son looked up at me and a shot of adren­a­line went through my veins as her stern eyes met mine, my head imme­di­ate­ly bowed down and I found myself stare­ing at my shoes.  She said noth­ing and cooly reached for the tele­phone, her slen­der fin­ger tapped the but­tons and sec­onds lat­er she broke the grim science.

Miss Prendergast.…yes I agree this is a severe case and I agree to car­ry out the first part of the pun­ish­ment, how­ev­er you should join me for the last.…ok I’ll see you soon

My mind was rac­ing a two part pun­ish­ment? What was going to happen?

Miss S “Do you know what hap­pens to naughty boys at this school?”


Miss S “No Miss” she shout­ed “and you won’t find the answer on your shoes, look at me when I’m talk­ing to you”

y…yes miss” I looked up as the dom­i­nant fig­ure behind the desk stood up and looked down on me like I was a worm

Miss S “Naughty, dis­gust­ing, lit­tle boys like you must be pun­ished, and pun­ished sev­er­ly. Here we use cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment, do you know what that is boy?”

No miss” I replied “my pre­vi­ous school used deten­tion and lines as punishment”

Miss S “Well boy you’ll not want to know, but because you’ve been a dirty, hor­ri­ble lit­tle boy I’m going to tell you and you wont like it even half as much as deti­tion or lines”

Paus­ing for dra­mat­ic effect she then start­ed to speak and as the words came out of her mouth I could not believe what I was hearing

Cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment is very sim­ple thing boy. Pun­ish­ment of the body for the wrong doings of the mind in the hope that if the mind strays again the pun­ish­ment of the body will be remem­bered to pre­vent future wrong doing.  It’s a short, sharp shock, how­ev­er in this case it may not be so short, but it will be sharp and it will be a shock I can assure you that.  It is a pun­ish­ment and it is meant to and it will hurt! Do you under­stand boy?!!”

I quaked in fear “I, I think so miss”

Miss S “don’t wor­ry too much all will become painful­ly clear all too soon for you my lad” “Now stand in the cor­ner with your nose against the wall, think about what you have done, think about what is going to hap­pen and don’t move a mus­cle until I tell you to address me again”

I shuf­fled across to the cor­ner of the room, press­ing my nose against the cold plas­ter sent a shiv­er through me as guilt and fear reached my brain.

Stand­ing for what seemed like for­ev­er i could hear cup­board doors and desk draws being opened and closed and items being put down on the desk.  My eyes strayed and my head turned a lit­tle as I tried to see what my men­tal tor­men­tor was doing.

nose in the cor­ner, eyes front, don’t move a muscle”

There was no argument

High heels clicked on the floor and her dread­ed voice called out

Come to the front of the class and stand here” she point­ed to the floor just to the left  of a chair she had moved to the front of the desk.

She was hold­ing a long, thick two tailed strap

For plea­sures of the palm you will receive 12 stokes of the tawse on the offend­ing palm, if you ever grab down there again then you will think of this first, hold out your hand, count the strokes and thank me after each stroke”

I held out my quiv­er­ing hand and wait­ed.  She placed the cool heavy leather on my palm, raised her elbow and waited.

Then it came.  A low swish­ing sound, a loud slap and me then blow­ing on my palm, in real pain

if you don’t get your hand back up, count out loud and thank me now, then it’s extra strokes”

My arm lift­ed slow­ly “one, thank you”

one, thank you miss” she bellowed

This con­tin­ued until all 12 ter­ri­ble strokes had been car­ried out, my eyes were red with tears

Think­ing this could not get any worse, I then caught a glimpse of her desk and saw a size 12 plim­sole and a yel­low crooked han­dle cane.  My heart sank and my mind was con­fused I thought this was a pun­ish­ment in two parts. My train of thought was soon inter­rupt­ed as the next com­mand was barked out as she sat down on the chair and smoothed her lap

drop your trousers and bend over my knee”

w..what miss”

I will not repeat my self again, drop your trousers and bend over my knee”

I fum­bled with my shorts and obeyed, going over her knee as my shorts dropped around my ankles.  I could feel the warmth of her body against my bare legs and the soft­ness of her hand as it brushed against my but­tocks as she lift­ed the tail of my shirt. Somthing began to stir.

But then it began, the size 12 rain­ing down on my but­tocks relent­less­ly with con­stant ver­bal chas­tise­ment about treat­ing women with respect and to stop being a filthy mind­ed lit­tle boy.  I don’t know how long it went on for but I was sob­bing and beg­ging by the end

I was sent shuf­fling back to the cor­ner, but then strange­ly, to my mind as I thought it was all over, giv­en the instruction

drop your pants then eyes front, nose to the wall”

I was ashamed red faced and red cheeked and then I heard a knock at the door, I remem­bered the cane and then heard Miss Pren­der­gast’s voice, which after a short whis­pered con­ver­sa­tion with Miss Sven­son barked at me

front of the class boy and bend over the desk”

I turned around, hands try­ing to cov­er my naked bulge, to looks of dis­gust and dissapointment

well boy we are just going to have to thrash that out of you, aren’t we” she turned and grinned at Miss Sven­son as I shuf­fled over to the desk and bent over.….….…

I stood ner­vous­ly as I hand­ed Miss Sven­son the let­ter from Miss Pren­der­gast. I knew I had done wrong, how­ev­er I had no idea what was going to hap­pen, I felt very ner­vous as this was my first vis­it to head­mistress at my new school.

Miss Sven­son sat behind her desk and start­ed to read the note in sci­lence and it seemed to take her an age

Miss Sven­son

I am send­ing this boy to you after the fol­low­ing inci­dent that occurred when I had to take the boys P.E. les­son as Mr John­son was unex­pect­ed­ly tak­en ill yesterday.

The les­son had gone fine until I count­ed the boys in and then out of the chang­ing room and I found I was one boy short. I shout­ed in to the chang­ing room as I did not want to enter and find an undressed boy how­ev­er there was no answer. As I lis­tened for a reply I could hear the show­er was still run­ning, think­ing that may be I had mis­count­ed I thought I bet­ter enter the chang­ing rooms, switch the show­er off and lat­er give the class a lec­ture on wast­ing water, what with the recent drought warnings.

I walked into the chang­ing room and round­ed the cor­ner into large com­mu­nal show­er room and to my sur­prise saw a boy through the steam with his back to me. He was right under one of the show­er heads on the far wall, lean­ing with his left arm above his head and his right arm was going up an down.  I inno­cent­ly thought that he had maybe injured his leg dur­ing the les­son and he was try­ing to rub it better.

I called out to the boy and asked if he was alright, how­ev­er with his ears full of water and the noise of the show­er he did not hear me.  I decid­ed to go up behind him and tap him on the shoul­der.  As he spun around and saw me he imme­di­ate­ly stopped his rub­bing how­ev­er it was too late and lets just say it was­n’t water that was drip­ping down my pleat­ed gym skirt onto my bare legs.

Hor­ri­fied I told him to get dressed straight away and to come straight to my office once he had done so, which to be fair to him he did.  He seemed very embar­rassed and remorse­ful when I ques­tioned him on what he thought he was doing, how­ev­er this inci­dent can not go unpun­ished and due to the sever­i­ty of the cir­cum­stances I thought it would be best to involve your expert hand.

There was no porno­graph­ic mate­r­i­al involved so the boy must have been fan­ta­sis­ing about some­thing, the thought of which dis­gusts me as every­time he is in my more usu­al Eng­lish les­son he seems to pay more atten­tion to my legs and breast than Hen­ry V.  Or if I turn my head when I’m writ­ing on the black board I often find him stare­ing straight at my bottom.

I would there­fore like you to pun­ish him for the fol­low­ing 3 reasons:

First­ly for indulging in the plea­sures of the palm.  Sec­ond­ly for sub­ject­ing me to such dis­gust­ing vio­la­tions dur­ing the above inci­dent and my lessons; and third­ly I want you to cane his bare but­tocks until the boy tells you what he was fan­ti­sis­ing about so we can address this abnor­mal behaviour

Kind­est regards

Miss Pren­der­gast

Miss Sven­son looked up at me and a shot of adren­a­line went through my veins as her stern eyes met mine, my head imme­di­ate­ly bowed down and I found myself stare­ing at my shoes.  She said noth­ing and cooly reached for the tele­phone, her slen­der fin­ger tapped the but­tons and sec­onds lat­er she broke the grim science.

Miss Prendergast.…yes I agree this is a severe case and I agree to car­ry out the first part of the pun­ish­ment, how­ev­er you should join me for the last.…ok I’ll see you soon

My mind was rac­ing a two part pun­ish­ment? What was going to happen?

Miss S “Do you know what hap­pens to naughty boys at this school?”


Miss S “No Miss” she shout­ed “and you won’t find the answer on your shoes, look at me when I’m talk­ing to you”

y…yes miss” I looked up as the dom­i­nant fig­ure behind the desk stood up and looked down on me like I was a worm

Miss S “Naughty, dis­gust­ing, lit­tle boys like you must be pun­ished, and pun­ished sev­er­ly. Here we use cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment, do you know what that is boy?”

No miss” I replied “my pre­vi­ous school used deten­tion and lines as punishment”

Miss S “Well boy you’ll not want to know, but because you’ve been a dirty, hor­ri­ble lit­tle boy I’m going to tell you and you wont like it even half as much as deti­tion or lines”

Paus­ing for dra­mat­ic effect she then start­ed to speak and as the words came out of her mouth I could not believe what I was hearing

Cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment is very sim­ple thing boy. Pun­ish­ment of the body for the wrong doings of the mind in the hope that if the mind strays again the pun­ish­ment of the body will be remem­bered to pre­vent future wrong doing.  It’s a short, sharp shock, how­ev­er in this case it may not be so short, but it will be sharp and it will be a shock I can assure you that.  It is a pun­ish­ment and it is meant to and it will hurt! Do you under­stand boy?!!”

I quaked in fear “I, I think so miss”

Miss S “don’t wor­ry too much all will become painful­ly clear all too soon for you my lad” “Now stand in the cor­ner with your nose against the wall, think about what you have done, think about what is going to hap­pen and don’t move a mus­cle until I tell you to address me again”

I shuf­fled across to the cor­ner of the room, press­ing my nose against the cold plas­ter sent a shiv­er through me as guilt and fear reached my brain.

Stand­ing for what seemed like for­ev­er i could hear cup­board doors and desk draws being opened and closed and items being put down on the desk.  My eyes strayed and my head turned a lit­tle as I tried to see what my men­tal tor­men­tor was doing.

nose in the cor­ner, eyes front, don’t move a muscle”

There was no argument

High heels clicked on the floor and her dread­ed voice called out

Come to the front of the class and stand here” she point­ed to the floor just to the left  of a chair she had moved to the front of the desk.

She was hold­ing a long, thick two tailed strap

For plea­sures of the palm you will receive 12 stokes of the tawse on the offend­ing palm, if you ever grab down there again then you will think of this first, hold out your hand, count the strokes and thank me after each stroke”

I held out my quiv­er­ing hand and wait­ed.  She placed the cool heavy leather on my palm, raised her elbow and waited.

Then it came.  A low swish­ing sound, a loud slap and me then blow­ing on my palm, in real pain

if you don’t get your hand back up, count out loud and thank me now, then it’s extra strokes”

My arm lift­ed slow­ly “one, thank you”

one, thank you miss” she bellowed

This con­tin­ued until all 12 ter­ri­ble strokes had been car­ried out, my eyes were red with tears

Think­ing this could not get any worse, I then caught a glimpse of her desk and saw a size 12 plim­sole and a yel­low crooked han­dle cane.  My heart sank and my mind was con­fused I thought this was a pun­ish­ment in two parts. My train of thought was soon inter­rupt­ed as the next com­mand was barked out as she sat down on the chair and smoothed her lap

drop your trousers and bend over my knee”

w..what miss”

I will not repeat my self again, drop your trousers and bend over my knee”

I fum­bled with my shorts and obeyed, going over her knee as my shorts dropped around my ankles.  I could feel the warmth of her body against my bare legs and the soft­ness of her hand as it brushed against my but­tocks as she lift­ed the tail of my shirt. Somthing began to stir.

But then it began, the size 12 rain­ing down on my but­tocks relent­less­ly with con­stant ver­bal chas­tise­ment about treat­ing women with respect and to stop being a filthy mind­ed lit­tle boy.  I don’t know how long it went on for but I was sob­bing and beg­ging by the end

I was sent shuf­fling back to the cor­ner, but then strange­ly, to my mind as I thought it was all over, giv­en the instruction

drop your pants then eyes front, nose to the wall”

I was ashamed red faced and red cheeked and then I heard a knock at the door, I remem­bered the cane and then heard Miss Pren­der­gast’s voice, which after a short whis­pered con­ver­sa­tion with Miss Sven­son barked at me

front of the class boy and bend over the desk”

I turned around, hands try­ing to cov­er my naked bulge, to looks of dis­gust and dissapointment

well boy we are just going to have to thrash that out of you, aren’t we” she turned and grinned at Miss Sven­son as I shuf­fled over to the desk and bent over.….….…

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